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Law Professor Emeritus David Mellinkoff died on 31 December 1999, at the age of 85. He had been a member of the UCLA law faculty since 1965.
Lawyers and the system of justice: Cases and notes on the profession of law (American casebook series). by David Mellinkoff.
16/01/2000 · David Mellinkoff, lawyer, professor and writer who waged war against legal verbosity, dies at age 85 (S)
95,00 US$
A tight and nice first edition of this memoir and essays by a notable long-time UCLA law professor (1915-99) whose influential 1963 work "Language of the Law" ...
on their merits. "It is . . . ," says Pro son did not write but should have."70 I would pay it even higher praise: it is a book Jefferson could not have ...
(9) · 36,25 US$ · Disponível para entrega
A full-scale study of our legal language that is written with an extraordinary awareness for vacuous words and phrases and an astounding amount of research.
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What is the language of the law?
18/06/2020 · David Mellinkoff, late Professor of Law at UCLA School of Law, is best known for authoring a series of books that decried the use of impenetrable language by ...
A graduate of Stanford and Harvard Law School, a successful lawyer, and Professor of Law at the University of California at Los Angeles, David Mellinkoff ...
The Language of the Law is a book by David Mellinkoff, a lawyer and professor of law at the University of California at Los Angeles, published in 1963. The book ...
David Mellinkoff · The Language of the Law · Dictionary of American Legal Usage · Legal writing: Sense and nonsense · Conscience of a Lawyer (American Casebooks) ...