Lawyers and the system of justice: Cases and notes on the profession of law (American casebook series). by David Mellinkoff.
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David Mellinkoff has 8 books on Goodreads with 143 ratings. David Mellinkoff's most popular book is The Language of the Law.
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Law Professor Emeritus David Mellinkoff died on 31 December 1999, at the age of 85. He had been a member of the UCLA law faculty since 1965.
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16/01/2000 · David Mellinkoff, lawyer, professor and writer who waged war against legal verbosity, dies at age 85 (S)
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18/06/2020 · David Mellinkoff, late Professor of Law at UCLA School of Law, is best known for authoring a series of books that decried the use of impenetrable language by ...
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Classificação (7)
Book details · Print length. 242 pages · Language. English · Publisher. West Group · Publication date. January 1, 1982 · Dimensions. 6.75 x 0.75 x 10 inches · ISBN-10.
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04/01/2000 · David Mellinkoff, attorney, UCLA professor and award-winning writer on the often arcane and confusing language of the law that governs ...
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David Mellinkoff is the author of The Language of the Law (4.09 avg rating, 11 ratings, 0 reviews, published 1963), Conscience of a Lawyer (3.70 avg rati...
David Mellinkoff's primary focus was to simplify legal writing and often criticized the way lawyers use English. In Legal Writing: Sense and Nonsense (1982) ...