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remained de
... remained free on $1.000 bail Wednesday after being held for court on a drunken-driving charge. Hamburg police said his blood-alcohol level was 0 18 percent after they stopped him Oct. 8 on State Street. • Dennis L. Adam. 34. of the 600 ...
remained de
... remained free awaiting further court action. Muhlenberg police said the numerous incidents involved an 1 1 -year-old girl during the summer of 1997. Before Timothy M. Dougherty: • John E. Sease. 39. Lebanon, was held for court on ...
remained de
... remained free Thursday on $3.000 bail after arraignment on charges of criminal trespass, simple assault, defiant trespass and harassment. City police said Perez assaulted Jennifer Tyson, no address given, striking her with his fist when ...
remained de
... remained tree awaiting further court action. Wyomissing police said she took $311 In merchandise from The Bon-Ton, Berkshire Mall. Aug. 25. • Luis Colon-Rosa. 25. of the 100 block of Walnut Street was committed to Berks County Pnson in ...
remained de
... remained In Berks County Prison In lieu of $100.000 ball. City police said Soto sold the drug to an undercover officer on the following dates: Sept. 2 In the 200 block of Carpenter Street; Sept. 3 In the 200 block of South Fourth Street ...
remained de
... remained free alter waiving a hearing on drunKen-dnvmg charges State police at Hamburg said he had a blood-alcohol level ot 0 17 percent after an accident on Interstate 78. Greenwich Township, July 4. • Charges ot possessing marijuana ...
remained de
of PorsKnind, 18: steamer remained by »*«**l ; ••*. tipe«dw*U. ot Great mouth, rendered aeswtanc*; barque spanker, of (jjassowvl j S.S. Jutland, of N«wcaatle, remained bv VMAfil * uUTQQA ^V*j^lm^tQHt Ot \VlBQdO*r*> tX*.Oi>*> assisted to ...
remained de
... remained in Berks County Prison in lieu of $25.000 bail after he was held for court on charges of aggravated assault, burglary, criminal trespass and related offenses. State police at Reading said Flllp broke Into the residence of his ...
remained de
... remained free awaiting further court action. City polica said he had a blood-alcohol level of 0.144 percent after his car struck a parked vehicle In the 100 block of South Sixth Street Oct. 2, 1994. Before. Gloria. M. Strock: • Robert C ...
remained de
... remained free on $15,000 recognizance bail Wednesday after he was held for court on charges of aggravated indecent assault and indecent assault. Kutztown police said he molested a woman in her residence in the 200 block of West Main ...